That is probably the toughest question ever asked, but he might as well know it.
Might as well is an expression very commonly used by English speakers, but also not very seen it taught in an English textbook.
Let's have a look at it. It can be used:
- when you want to say that there is no GOOD reason NOT to do something. example: It’s almost time to go home and you’ve finished all your work, so you might as well go home now.
- to say that two things, people or situations are so similar that they could be considered to be the same. example: Shame! We have just lost the bus connection! So we might as well take a taxi to the airport.
more examples:
- There is nothing interesting on TV. I might as well go to sleep.
- I bought this ticket for the We will rock you show, but I'll be outside London for work. So I might as well sell it.

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