He would need to get a break....
Would is another auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb.
We use would mainly:
- when we imagine a situation or action (like thinking to something that is not real): - It would be beautiful to live in a caste; - I would love to go on the moon; - I would like to live in Spain
- when would/wouldn't is the past of will/won't. example: - I'll phone you on Saturday / He said he would phone on Saturday. - I promise I'll be on time / She promised she wouldn't be late
- in sentences with if: - I would phone her if I had her number; - I would have phoned you if I had had her number ..we will get back to this forms in some next Units..
- when we imagine actions or situations in the past that didn't happened: - I didn't tell your brother you didn't go to school, he would have not been happy ; - I am happy it didn't rain, otherwise the pic-nic would have been canceled.
Would (do) and Would have (done)
- I would invite Brian to my party, but he doesn't get along well with my sister after they broke up.. (now)
- I would have invited Brian to my party, but he wasn't a good situation for my sister too see him at the party..
(in the past)
- I would cut my hair, if I have time. (now)
- I would have cut my hair, if I'd had time. (past)
We tend to use would especially when reminiscing about the past, telling a story or recollecting some regular or repeated thing we did long ago.
"When I was a child, we would visit my grandmother every Sunday afternoon. I would sit on my grandmother's knee and she'd sing me a song."
'Would' is more restricted in use than 'used to'.
..we will see these form in the next post..

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